This Spring has seen flurry of activity within the student body at the School of Discipleship. Our students finished all of their classes in the first week of May. Here’s what one of our students, Jeremiah Peters, said about our Bible classes: “The School of Discipleship this year has really helped to give me a foundation in the Bible, and what it means. Through God’s grace and good mentors here I am learning to apply it more and more each day.” We praise God for giving us the opportunity to ground young men and women in the Word of life!

Outside of Bible classes, our students have had a variety of opportunities to put into practice the things God is teaching them. Some or all of our students have had the chance this year to engage in leading worship at local churches, helping with AWANA, preaching at various churches and Christian schools, volunteering with the Erie City Mission, leading kids events at the local YMCA, and helping out at youth events for a local youth group.

As we come into the late Spring, our students are now beginning the transition from student to summer staff to fulfill the leadership practicum requirements for the program. In the next few months, our students will be given the opportunity to lead on our summer team, as we anticipate sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with 1,200+ ranchers this summer. This summer practicum is an important part of the program, as it gives us the chance to place our students in leadership roles and to help them understand the call to servant leadership in a tangible and practical way.

Looking ahead, we are still accepting applications for the Fall of the 2018-2019 class year. If you know a young high school graduate with a desire to grow in a knowledge of God’s word so as to be found faithful in Christ, please send them our way. In addition, please pray for both our outgoing students, that they would continue in what they have learned and firmly believed, and for our incoming students, that the Lord would prepare their hearts even now to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through this program.

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