Since its beginning in 1981, the School of Discipleship has existed to provide an opportunity for college-aged men and women to spend a year deepening their spiritual walk, establishing their faith, and sharing that faith with whomever they encounter. Here are some brief testimonies of students whose lives have been transformed by God through their experience at MMR:

“Something that God has been convicting me of this year at the School of Discipleship is to fully trust in Him with every aspect of my life. I find myself a lot of times failing at this and trying to run my life the way I want to live it. It seems through the entirety of this month this theme has been pounding on my heart as we are studying the life of Job; seeing the wisdom of God through the suffering he went through, and even how God was still sovereign and had a plan for him through his suffering. Through studying this it has brought me to the realization that the God I serve today is the same God in the life of Job. He is infinite in love, in wisdom, and understanding, that surpasses all of our wildest dreams. Seeing this love, care, and wisdom that God displays in the life of Job has really both challenged and encouraged me to humble myself before God, leaning not on my own understanding but in every aspect of my life, trusting in Him and truly making Him Lord over my life”

Micah Compton

SOD Student 2018-2019

“God has taught me so much since being here at the School of Discipleship. One of the things that has hit me hard since being here is that our God is in control. It’s been so comforting and reassuring to me recently to know that our God, our Heavenly Father, knows and plans our future and every day life. I’ve struggled with wanting to be in control of everything in my life and the world around me, but I’ve come to realize that I don’t need to be in control. God is always in control of my life and I don’t have to constantly keep fighting for the ‘drivers seat’ of life”

Kaitlynn Renander

SOD Student 2018-2019

“This month I have been reminded of how God’s grace is perfect and abounding. It cannot be earned and it is always undeserved. Yet, God chose to lavish His grace upon me. Recently, the Lord has convicted my heart as to whether or not I live as if His grace is enough in my life. I have been challenged as to whether or not I am walking in thankfulness for His grace each day. God has been faithful to remind me that I need His grace on the good days just as much as the bad days.”

Laura Odell

SOD Student 2018-2019

“Recently, the Lord has been teaching me how much more I need to rely on Him and do everything to His glory. I often tend to focus on work or school and get caught up in my own life that I leave God at church. He has really been convicting me about how much my focus should be on Him and that I should strive to bring Him glory instead of trying to bring man glory. I need to pursue Him with all that I have, and only then will I be truly satisfied”

Katie Runner

SOD Student 2018-2019

“I had heard of the opportunity summer camp would present for spiritual growth and challenge, but I didn’t expect it the way God decided to bring it in my life. I had the privilege to be the videographer in the media department this summer and God has used my time doing this to peel back many layers of selfishness in my heart, challenging me with questions of motive, focus, and purpose in my life. Although it is not easy, I am so thankful that God loves me enough to faithfully show me the areas in my life that do not glorify Him.”

Darla Watkins

SOD Student 2018-2019

“The School of Discipleship provided me with an amazing year of Biblical training, mentorship/accountability, and service opportunities. I’m so thankful for all the ways I grew and the relationships that were built with the staff and fellow students. God used the School of Discipleship to teach me what it looks like to pursue a right relationship with Him in my daily life, work, and interaction with others”

Mikayla Sauer

SOD Student 2017-2018

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