The Price of Forgiveness

No one forgives naturally. One of the things we’ve found to be the case in teaching classes such as Conflict Resolution and Anger Transformation is that our students (just like their sinful instructors) often deal with issues of anger and bitterness because they...

By the mercy of God

In his book Reading the Word of God in the Presence of God, Vern Poythress discusses reading the Scripture from three perspectives: the normative, the situational, and the existential. He recommends this way of approaching the Bible for a number of reasons, but the...

Wisdom Grants Perspective

“If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem be against us, we do not believe Him at all.” -Charles Spurgeon Circumstances have a way of caging our spirit with fear, despair, and self-pity. How are we to gain an eternal perspective concerning the...

“Sir, we would see Jesus.”

I’ve always been vaguely puzzled by John 12:20-26. Here Jesus has come to Jerusalem in triumphal entry and is preparing for the feast of Passover. Some Greeks approach Phillip and make this request: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” (John 12:21). Phillip...

The Fruit of Study

Last week our students wrapped up all classes for the year. Now they’ve entered their practicum, preparing to serve and lead this summer. I was able to have a little pep-talk with them last week, on the last day that I served as their instructor for this year....

Reading The Whole Thing

As a Bible teacher, I often find that Christians are totally mystified when it comes to reading the Old Testament. We know how to read the New Testament– that’s about Jesus and the church, so we’re on pretty solid footing there– but the Old? Battles,...

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