Bible Reading: Joseph’s Resurrection

Those of you who are following along with us on our Bible reading plan for the year will know that we are in the middle of Joseph’s story right now, Genesis 37-50. This morning we read Genesis 43-45, which continues the in the episode of Joseph’s reunion...

Bible-Reading Plan

With this year’s class graduating tomorrow and a new class commencing in a few weeks, we’ve been making some changes to the curriculum at the School of Discipleship. With every change and adjustment, we believe that rather than departing from the calling...

Solid Grace

One thing we want our students to come away from the School of Discipleship with is the solid conviction that Paul displays in Titus 2, that God’s grace is real. For Paul, the grace of God is a divine activity which has a real presence in our world. It can be...

Timothy’s Charge

Paul wrote 1 Timothy in order to encourage his young protégé in guarding good doctrine. In 1:3, he tell Timothy that he left him in Ephesus “so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine.” The aim of this charge, this charge to...

On Our Knees

  In Daniel chapter 9, Daniel prays for the people of Israel. It is a prayer of repentance, a prayer of confession, and a prayer for deliverance. This makes sense, given where Daniel is– exiled in Babylon, along with all of Judah. The nation of Israel has fallen...

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